
😬 ChatGPT napysav slova pisni u styli Nika Kejva — sam muzykant skazav, ščo ce lajno

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😬 ChatGPT napysav slova pisni u styli Nika Kejva — sam muzykant skazav, ščo ce lajno
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  3. 😬 ChatGPT napysav slova pisni u styli Nika Kejva — sam muzykant skazav, ščo ce lajno
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Štučnyj intelekt švydko staje častynoju riznyh sfer j oś vže distavsja do napysannja muzyky.

Odyn z šanuvaľnykiv rok-gurtu Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds za dopomogoju čatbota ChatGPT zgeneruvav slova dlja kiľkoh piseń u styli gurtu. Vin nadislav gotovyj tekst frontmenu Niku Kejvu, aby toj ocinyv tvorinnja nejromereži.

Odnak jomu ce ne duže spodobaloś j za jogo slovamy štučnyj intelekt ne može zrobyty povnocinnyj vytvir mystectva. Jak vin pidkreslyv, ce lyše parodija, oskiľky spravžni pisni narodžujuťsja čerez «skladnu tvorču boroťbu vseredyni ljudyny».

Ščopravda, buly vse ž dejaki momenty, jaki spodobalyś Niku Kejvu u pisni vid ChatGPT, hoč vin i nazvav її lajnom:

Mark (im'ja šanuvaľnyka), djakuju za pisnju, ale za vsijeї ljubovi ta povagy, cja pisnja — lajno, groteskne gluzuvannja z togo, ščo označaje buty ljudynoju. Meni vona ne duže podobajeťsja. Hoča, postryvaj! Perečytavšy її, ja zrozumiv, ščo v nij je rjadok, jakyj meni vse ž taky do duši. U cij pisni «v styli Nika Kejva» govoryťsja: «U mene v očah pekeľnyj vogoń», ščo častkovo pravda. U mene dijsno v očah pekeľnyj vogoń, i ce ChatGPT.

Tekst pisni tut (tyć)

Verse 1:
In the depths of the night, I hear a call
A voice that echoes, through the hall
It’s a siren’s song, that pulls me in
Takes me to a place, where I can’t begin

I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior

Verse 2:
I walk the streets, with my head held high
I’ve got my demons, but I’ll make them fly
I’ll dance with the devil, and I’ll play his game
I’ll be the one, to call his name

I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior

I’ve got the blood of angels, on my hands
I’ve got the fire of hell, in my eyes
I’m the king of the abyss, I’m the ruler of the dark
I’m the one that they fear, in the shadows they hark

I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior

So come with me, to the edge of the night
Where the darkness and the light collide
We’ll walk the line, between the good and the bad
And we’ll see, who comes out on top in the end.

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